I got this from xavi7734. This may be the best way to make brown rice ever, although I'm not sure it's worth heating the oven up if you weren't already going to be baking or roasting something. Still, my kids go nuts for rice made this way, and it's super super easy.

Oven-Baked Brown Rice

1 ½ C brown rice
2 1/3 C water
2 tsp unsalted butter
½ tsp salt
dash of dried herbs

Adjust oven rack to middle position; heat oven to 375°. Spread rice in 8 inch-square glass baking dish (I use a 2-qt glass casserole dish, because it's got a lid, which is convenient for the next step).

Bring water and butter, covered, in medium saucepan over high heat; once boiling immediately stir in salt and herbs and pour over rice. Cover baking dish tightly with doubled layer of foil. Bake rice 1 hour, until tender.

Remove baking dish from oven and uncover. Fluff rice with a fork, then cover with a clean dish towel; let stand 5 minutes. Uncover and let stand 5 minutes longer; serve. This can be made earlier in the day and then reheated before serving.

Serves 4-6.

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